Tuesday, February 03, 2004
_ Testing of a Blogger post title
Thank God for Reuters, because if they weren't going to fact-check Outkast, nobody was.
Jimmy Breslin: Bush Goal Was Dodging War. What matters to all our senses is that he is a president who struts around as a war hero, who dodged Vietnam and most of the National Guard drills and who with less shame than anybody we have had maybe ever, sends your kids to a war that he ducked as if he was allowed to do it by birth.
I have read a chapter titled "Has Israel's victimization of the Palestinians been the primary cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict?". Phew I?m done journaling after just typing that title. Basically the author said no, the arabs have always been anti - jew and it has always been a religious ideal for them to fight jews living around their land or to have jews in a government around them.
An AudioPost
Click here to listen to the latest journal entryhttp://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp?selected=804382